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Migrating from Text Templating to Source Generator

I recently ported Kafka.Protocol‘s source code generation functionality from Text Templating (T4) to a Source Generator, and I thought I would share my experience with how they differ and what to expect.

Text Templating

Text Templating has been around since 2005 and is available on .NET Framework using C# 6. Mono.TextTemplating has been around for a couple of years which supports .NET and C# 10, and recently Visual Studio 2022 started to ship with a revamped CLI tool for text templating.

A text template uses text blocks and directives together to generate source code, it reminds of old ASP Classic in a way, or razor templates. Here’s an example borrowed from Microsoft:

<#@ output extension=".cs" #>
<#@ assembly name="System.Xml" #>
 System.Xml.XmlDocument configurationData = ...; // Read a data file here.
namespace Fabrikam.<#= configurationData.SelectSingleNode("jobName").Value #>
  ... // More code here.

This is a design time template, it runs when the text template file is saved and produces the output in a separate file. There are also run time templates which can generate code from other code during runtime, which can simplify splitting generated code into multiple files, but requires some other code to run in order to do so. Design time templates produces a single file per text template. There are tooling that can get around this limitation, but it has it’s own limitations.

Source Generator

Source generators were first introduced in .NET 5, and runs during compile time. It has to target .NET Standard 2.0 but can use any C# version. It can generate source code from input like a data model specification or based on objects being compiled. Generated code is added to the compilation, meaning both ordinary written code and source generated code gets compiled together into the same assembly. This means that code generated isn’t written to any files, like for T4 templates, it’s written directly to the output assembly.

Writing Generated Code to Files

Emitting generated code to files can be enabled with some simple project directives:


Make sure to remove any generated files before compilation, remember, the generated source code is already baked into the compilation!

  <Compile Remove="$(CompilerGeneratedFilesOutputPath)/**/*.cs" />

There are no limitations on how many files a generator can produce or where it should be outputted. Storing generated source code in files are great if you want to track how changes in the source generator affects the generated code in source control, specifically if you are generating code from a specification and not content from the compilation.

Using a Generator

To use a source generator, add a reference to it from a project:

  <ProjectReference Include="..\Path\To\Generator\Generator.csproj" 
    ReferenceOutputAssembly="false" />

…or a NuGet package:

<PackageReference Include="My.Generator" Version="1.2.3" PrivateAssets="all" />

Note the OutputItemType="Analyzer" directive in the project reference directive. It tells the compiler that the project is to be treated as an analyzer instead of being a runtime reference. Output from an analyzer can be found under Dependencies in Visual Studio, and that’s where we find the generated types.

Note that they appear as files, even though they are not, it’s just an identifier. To find them in Visual Studio you would need to search for the type they contain or navigate to them in the Solution Explorer.

It would be possible to include the emitted files in a project and exclude them from compilation, that would make them searchable as any other file, but since they aren’t part of compilation they will lack some analysis disabling some functionality like symbol navigation etc. I recommend keeping emitted files solely for source control purposes.


Source Generators, as analyzers, have limited exception handling. All exceptions thrown by a source generator is wrapped by a standard error message and contains very little information of what the problem is.

CSC : warning CS8785: Generator 'SourceGenerator' failed to generate source. It will not contribute to the output and compilation err
ors may occur as a result. Exception was of type 'NullReferenceException' with message 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object.'.

It’s possible to export the full exception including the stack trace by using the ErrorLog directive and output it as a SARIF formatted file. This isn’t great to work with as you’d like proper diagnostic feedback from the compiler directly. A workaround can be to construct a diagnostic error manually and include the stack trace, but neither multiline messages nor the description property is outputted so everything needs to be packed into a single-line message. Locations from stack traces are also problematic with incremental source generators where if a generator reruns with no code changes the stack frame location is gone.

Diagnostic reporting only work with error and warnings, other severities are ignored. A proposal on how informational diagnostic output should work can be found here.

Generated Code and Analyzers

The assemblies containing generated source code have had issues not being properly analyzed due to analyzers not being reloaded when the generated code in an assembly changes, which required deleting the .vs cache directory and restarting Visual Studio to force-reload them. This was resolved in the Visual Studio 2022 17.12 release.


Even though Source Generators still have a few quirks, they are much easier to work with than T4 Text Templates. It enables unit testing, file splitting and does not require running under Windows. They are also easier to distribute as they can be packed in NuGet-packages, and I’ve barely mentioned content based generator, which opens up a whole other world of opportunities! Check out the Source Generator Cook Book to get started.

Published in.netspecification

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