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Tag: amqp

Integration Testing with AMQP

So, last week I finally released the first version of my new shiny integration testing framework for AMQP, Test.It.With.AMQP. It comes with an implementation of the AMQP 0.9.1 protocol and integration with the popular .NET AMQP client of RabbitMQ.

Oh yeah, it’s all compatible with .NET Core 🙂

AMQP – Advanced Message Queuing Protocol


The Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) is an open standard application layer protocol for message-oriented middleware. The defining features of AMQP are message orientation, queuing, routing (including point-to-point and publish-and-subscribe), reliability and security.


A common test scenario is that you have an application that consumes messages from a queue and you want to assert that the application retrieves the messages correctly.

var testServer = new AmqpTestFramework(Amqp091.Protocol.Amqp091.ProtocolResolver);
testServer.On<Basic.Consume>((connectionId, message) => AssertSomething(message));
myApplicationsIOCContainer.RegisterSingleton(() => testServer.ConnectionFactory.ToRabbitMqConnectionFactory()));

This is simplified though. In reality there are alot of setup negotiation that needs to be done before you can consume any messages, like creating a connection and a channel. A real working test with a made up application and the test framework Test.It.While.Hosting.Your.Windows.Service can be found here.


The purpose of this test framework is to mock an AMQP communication based service in order to test the AMQP integration points and behaviour within an application without the need of a shared and installed instance of the actual AMQP service. It’s kind of what OWIN Test Server does for HTTP in Katana.


The test framework runs in memory, that means no time consuming network traffic or interop calls. 


All instances are setup by the test scenario and has no shared resources. This means there is no risk that two or more tests affect each other.


The framework makes it possible to subscribe and send all AMQP methods defined in the protocols, or you can even extend the protocol with your own methods!

Easy Setup and Tear Down

Create an instance when setting up your test, verify your result, and dispose it when your done. No hassle with communication pools and locked resources.


Integration testing made easy.



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